Laser systems Made in Germany from our own production

ILAS Industrial Laser Systems

Laser systems Made in Germany from our own production

CAD Lasersoftware

Laserklassen nach EN60825-1


Laser class Endangering
Class 1 The accessible laser radiation is safe under reasonably foreseeable conditions.
Note: The reasonably foreseeable conditions are met during normal operation. The limit value of the accessible radiation of DIN EN 60825-1: 2001-11 in the wavelength range from 400 nm to 1,400 nm for the classification of a laser is the same between 100 s and 30,000 s. Therefore, harassment can not be ruled out in the case of long-term effects.
Class 1M The accessible laser radiation is in the wavelength range from 302.5 nm to 4000 nm. The accessible laser radiation is harmless to the eye, as long as the cross-section is not reduced by optical instruments (magnifying glasses, lenses, telescopes)!
Note: Unless optically harvesting instruments are used which reduce the beam cross-section, there is a similar hazard for Class 1M laser equipment as for Class 1 laser equipment. When optically collecting instruments are used, similar hazards as with class 3R or 3B can occur.
Class 2 The accessible laser radiation is in the visible spectral range (400 nm to 700 nm). It is also harmless to the eye for short-term exposure (up to 0.25 s). Additional radiation components outside the wavelength range of 400 to 700 nm fulfill the conditions for class 1.
Note: For Class 2 laser devices, the eye is subject to accidental, brief exposure to laser radiation, i. H. at exposure times up to 0.25 s not endangered. Laser devices of Class 2 may therefore be used without further protective measures, if it is ensured that neither intentional inspection for the application for a longer time than 0.25 s nor repeated looking into the laser radiation or specularly reflected laser radiation is required. The presence of an eyelid reflex to protect the eyes should not be assumed as a rule For continuous radiating class 2 lasers, the limit of accessible radiation (GZS) is Plimit = 1 mW (P = power, W = watts).
Class 2M The accessible laser radiation is in the visible spectral range from 400 nm to 700 nm. It is harmless to the eye for short-term exposure (up to 0.25 s), as long as the cross-section is not reduced by optical instruments (magnifying glasses, lenses, telescopes)! Additional radiation components outside the wavelength range of 400 to 700 nm fulfill the conditions for class 1M.
Note: Unless optical instruments are used that reduce beam cross-section, Class 2M laser equipment is at similar risk as Class 2 laser equipment. When optically collecting instruments are used, similar hazards as with class 3R or 3B can occur.
Class 3R The accessible laser radiation is in the wavelength range of 302.5 nm to 106 nm and is dangerous to the eye. The power or energy amounts to a maximum of five times the permissible class 2 radiation limit in the wavelength range from 400 nm to 700 nm.
Note: Class 3R lasers are potentially dangerous to the eye, such as class 3B laser devices. The risk of eye damage is reduced by limiting the Accessible Radiation (GZS) threshold in the visible wavelength range to five times the Class 2 accessible radiation limit, and five times the Class 1 accessible radiation limit in the remaining wavelength ranges.
Class 3B The accessible laser radiation is dangerous for the eye, often for the skin. Looking directly into the beam at Class 3B lasers is dangerous. A beam can be safely viewed through a diffuse reflector if the following conditions apply at the same time:

> The minimum observation distance between the screen and the cornea of the eye is 13 cm.
> The maximum observation time 10 s.
> There are no directed beam components that can stand in the eye.
> A beam can only be viewed through a diffuser if there are no directed beam components.

Skin exposure to accessible laser radiation is at the expense of Class 3B laser equipment when the maximum allowable irradiation (MCC) values are exceeded.
Class 4 The accessible laser radiation is very dangerous to the eye and dangerous to the skin. Diffuse scattered radiation can also be dangerous. The laser radiation can cause a fire and explosion hazard.
Note: Class 4 laser devices are high power lasers whose output powers are far exceeding the limits! There is a risk of injury and fire!

For the topicality and the correctness of this table we take no responsibility!

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